We really want to express our appreciation and also our admiration for the hard work and sincere dedication Lopen Tashi Phuntsho has given to the visually impaired of Bhutan
through his unselfish service at School fort the Blind / Zangley Muenselling / MI through more than 26 years. Your work, Lopen, has not only been highly professional in the classroom but you have also had an attitude of dedication which has given your students the unique experience of being valuable and trusted persons. The confidence thus being given to your students is a lasting personal asset in their lives.
Besides this you have contributed in practical ways wit repairing broken braille machines and in later years also created the Dzongkha Braille.
You also remain in our memories as a very good and trusted colleague during many years.
We wish you all the best in the years to come and look forward meeting you again.
With warm greetings from
Reidun and Einar