Definition: UNESCO (1983) “Special education is a form of education provided for those who are not achieving, or are not likely to achieve through ordinary educational provisions, the level of educational, social and other attainments appropriate to their age, and which has the aim of furthering their progress towards these levels”.
With the introduction of integrated education, the visually impaired children studying in the mainstream schools were found to be facing learning difficulties in the regular classroom. The UNV special education consultant, Miss Alison Rhodes, created this committee to support the visually impaired children.
Discuss issues pertaining to the needs of the VI children. Assist the VI students in respective schools. Assist the teachers of mainstream through provision of teaching materials.
Special education committee comprises of the following members:
The roles of special education committee:
Responsibilities of the Special education needs committee members are:
The assistant coordinator:
The MI shall conduct Braille Symposium twice a year; once in the beginning of the academic year and the second after the mid term. The SENCO of MI shall delegate the concern subject teachers of MI to facilitate and provide up-dated information on Braille Grade II changes par subjects. He/she shall also be responsible to fix the date, extend invitation to the mainstream schools and organize the forum.
The forum shall be attended by:
The special education meeting shall be held twice a year, first in the beginning of the academic session and the second after midterm exam.
The special education meeting shall be attended from the three schools by:
To achieve the roles and responsibilities, SENCO’s shall have less teaching periods and other responsibilities in the school.
Assessment tool The SEN Committee shall meet in the beginning of the academic session and draw an action plan for the year. The action plan shall be the tool of assessment to check the progress, shortfalls and achievements made by the committee. (attested a copy for an example) The committee shall meet after the mid-term to review and make required changes, if necessary.
The parents/guardians are one of the main stakeholders who have the pivotal role to play in grooming all round development. He/she should always look for any early symptoms of disabilities.
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