People believe that loss of eye sight can lead to major set back be it in studies or employment. Provision of Braille skills to children and adult who have lost their sight recently is another mandatory of the institute. This class is especially meant for those who join the institute after losing their sight either through accidents or diseases and natural calamities. This course is sort of rehabilitation in studies, life skills and adequate skills required for continuing job employed before losing sight. Besides learning Braille, they also learn in activities of daily living, computer skills orientation and mobility. Most commonly, the candidates come from schools, institutes and other organizations when unable to access print.
The candidates are taught English Braille both grade 1 and 2 respectively. In Dzongkha, they learn to read and write Braille perfectly so as to enable to cope with other peers in the class. In Mathematics and Science, they are taught how to represent various symbols and numerals in Braille. They also learn to use abacus and Taylor frame to enable to perform numeric calculations and algebra. After attending Braille class, depending on their abilities, the candidates are provided opportunities to continue their studies. In case of employees, the candidates are rehabilitated to the previous employment.
Having served the blind and visually impaired for the last four decades, institute believes that given the opportunity, blind person can achieve good result and compete in the job market. There are quite a lot of successful stories.